Crypto Altruists: Real-World Stories of Social & Environmental Impact with Web3

Episode 177 - Blockchain-Powered Anticipatory Cash Transfers for Climate Shocks, ft. Shamba Network, Fortune Credit, and DIVA Donate

Episode 177

In episode 177, we welcome Kennedy Ng’an’ga of Shamba Network, Benson Njuguna of Fortune Credit, and Wladimir Weinbender of DIVA Donate. We explore their collbarative pilot, in partnership with Mercy Corps Ventures, that deployed blockchain-based anticipatory cash transfers to pastoralists in Kenya, using smart contracts triggered by environmental data brought onchain by an Oracle. We discuss the potential for Web3 to address climate-related challenges in vulnerable communities, and how cryptocurrency can be a vital tool to deliver aid to last mile communities.

--Three Key Takeaways--

  • 50 million people across sub-Saharan Africa are Pastoralists that depend on livestock for income and subsistence. In Northern Kenya, Pastoralism provides income to more than 95% of rural families. This region is also vulnerable to extreme weather events, including floods and droughts, that can significantly impact the livelihoods of Pastoralists. As such, it’s important to build solutions that help Pastoralists adapt to climate shocks.
  • Anticipatory cash transfers are a powerful tool for communities that are vulnerable to climate change. By proactively issuing cash transfers in advance of climate shocks, as opposed to reactively, it enables recipients to use the funds to prepare for the climate shock, including purchasing food or protecting their livestock. Anticipatory cash transfers are a vital tool for building climate resilient communities by ensuring a more stable income for pastoralists in spite of an increasing number of climate shocks.
  • This Pilot demonstrates how blockchain and crypto rails can reduce the cost of delivering funds to recipients by cutting out intermediaries and automating processes with smart contracts, while also reducing the time to transfer the funds from days to hours. Furthermore, by bringing all the data on-chain, it ensures easy auditability 

--Full shownotes with links available at--

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