Crypto Altruists: Real-World Stories of Social & Environmental Impact with Web3

Episode 135 - 2023 Web3 Social Impact Year in Review, ft. Web3ForGood

Crypto Altruism Episode 135

In episode 135, we’re excited to welcome Sam Flanagan and Abeera Akhtar from Web3ForGood for a very special 2023 year in review episode. 2023 was an incredible year for the Web3 social impact movement, and in this episode, we reflect on the most exciting developments of 2023, whether it be the growth of L2s or the AI blockchain intersection, and what we are most looking forward to in 2024 in the space.

--Key Takeaways--

  • 2023 was a year where the Web3 for good movement shifted from aspirations to impact. This was supported by a growth in the public goods funding ecosystem, more tools for impact monitoring, and a focus on meeting people where they’re at with accessible solutions.
  • This increased focus on impact has been aligned with a focus on local impact, and ensuring local communities, especially those in the global south, are included in the conversation and provided equal opportunities in the space.
  • Whereas 2023 was the year of Artificial Intelligence, a key trend in 2024 will be the relationship between AI and blockchain, including how blockchain can support the responsible development of AI while protecting users.
  • A key theme in 2023 was the growth of L2 solutions and the shift of L1 blockchains becoming L2s. In 2024, it will be interesting to see how these different L2s work together and define their unique value propositions.

--Full shownotes with links available at--

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